Upcoming Offerings

Spring Cleanse with Ayurveda


10AM - 4PM


We are honored to have our teacher, Hilary Garivaltis, return to Southern Vermont Wellness Center for the first of our seasonal cleanse offerings -- a day long workshop on Spring Cleansing with Ayurveda.

Discover the secrets of seasonal cleansing as we delve into Ayurvedic principles and practices tailored for spring. Learn how to detoxify and revitalize your body, cultivate healthy habits, and harness the natural rhythms of the season to optimize health and vitality. Whether you're seeking a gentle reset or a deeper dive into cleansing, this workshop offers valuable insights and practical tools to support your wellness journey.

It will be held on June 1st. from 10 am-4 pm and taught jointly with Hilary Garivaltis, Kate Logan and Lini Mazumdar.

Spring is a magical time of renewal. The season lends itself to setting new goals and intentions for the year as seeds are planted to produce their final fruit. It is also considered a natural time to reset the body, detoxify and rebuild. Join us for an Ayurvedic journey of self-care that will set you up to be your most healthy and productive self. Included in the course will be theory and overview of all steps and components of the full cleanse. We will incorporate proper diet regimens, the use of key herbal supplements and teas, as well as instruction in simple yoga postures. meditation and self-massage are to be incorporated throughout the cleanse.

There will be two stages to the program. The first stage is a 4-day seasonal reset which includes a modified diet and supportive daily regimens. The second stage will be a full 7 day Ayurvedic cleanse utilizing herbs, a special diet and continued daily regimens. All must attend the full day in person session and for those that want to go further with the 7-day cleanse there will be three additional online 45 minute classes (will be recorded as well).


Saturday June 1, 2024 10am-4pm

PROGRAM COST: $180* or $270*

10:00-11:30 Overview of Ayurvedic approach and methods for cleansing with Hilary Garivaltis
11:30-1:00 Cooking demonstration and vegetarian lunch with Lini Mazumdar
1:00-2:30 Review of stages of the cleanse with Hilary Garivaltis
2:30-4:00 Yoga, Pranayama and meditation with Kate Logan

additional zoom followups: Wednesdays June 13th, June 17th & June 24th 7:00-7:45 PM via Zoom with Hilary

Continued Ayurvedic overview and Q&A

*Option 1: One day, in person only

includes recipes, herbal tea and tongue scraper

*Option 2: Full program

in person day, plus 3 zoom calls with Q&A

Optional Kit of herbs, spices, oils will be available for purchase.



Meet Our teacher

Hilary Garivaltis, National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA), MA
Hilary Garivaltis, CAP, serves as the current Executive Director of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association and was the Founder and former Dean of the Kripalu School of Ayurveda. She received her initial training in 1997-1998 from the New England Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine and continued with advanced training in the U.S as well as in India between 1998-2007. She continues to study with the world’s leading teachers in the United States and in India whenever she gets the chance.

Nourish your body, nurture your soul, and let your healthy choices create a vibrant life.